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  • Writer's pictureUniversa Law

Victoria’s Story - Rebuilding Shattered Lives

Have you watched Victoria’s Story? It’s a powerful video demonstrating that when someone is injured needlessly, they need specialist advice, compensation and ongoing support to rebuild their life.

This seems obvious. And the law is there to make that happen. However, unfortunately, it can often come under attack from those who are responsible but aren’t willing to pay. At its worse, the image of injured people can be compromised to make it seem they were at fault somehow, and any compensation after an injury is somehow a ‘win’.

That’s why Universa Law is proud to support the #RebuildingShatteredLives campaign to ensure that the law, which helps people who suffer from negligence, is not eroded. We must all be vigilant to ensure that the civil justice system is valued and protected and that the injured person is always at the heart of it.

The Rebuilding Shattered Lives project aims to refocus attention on the real situation: that too many people suffer needless injuries; that these injuries are preventable; and that the people who suffer them must be able to have access to the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Alongside the personal injury claim work we do at Universa Law, we wish to help change the media and the public’s perception towards compensation after an injury. No one should feel ashamed for making a genuine compensation claim. In many cases, it’s the only way to get meaningful financial support to help cope with a life-changing injury.

Paul Cairaschi, MD of Universa Law, says: “We represented Victoria in her personal injury case, and we’re proud to support Rebuilding Shattered Lives too. The real people behind the headlines and claims are being met. The conversation is being shifted away from the financial costs for the people paying the compensation, to the people like Victoria who had to take on the personal and human costs.

“As a nation, we should be focused on what genuinely injured people need, rather than on myths about their motivation, and misconceptions about the specialist lawyers who fight for their rights and help put them on the road to recovery.”

When working with Universa Law, we do more than just pursue a claim. We listen to you, we believe you and can offer help and support. Depending on the severity of an injury, we talk about rehabilitation, covering bills, keeping up mortgage payments, loss of income, purchasing new medical equipment and aids, home adaptations, adapted vehicles, and more.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of negligence, you might have a personal injury claim. Contact the Universa Law legal team for a free initial consultation. We work on a No Win No Fee basis, which we believe is the most risk-free and stress-free way of making a claim as you never have to send a payment to us, win or lose.

Get in touch to have your questions answered.

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