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Clinical Negligence- Heart rate monitor with surgeons in the background. Universa Law- Solicitors & Claims London Legal District


We place great faith in Medical Practitioners. But even professionals can make mistakes. Being misdiagnosed or receiving medical advice or treatment that results in an unsatisfactory outcome can be traumatic, sometimes with far-reaching and even life-changing consequences. In some cases, mistakes cost lives.

How does a clinical negligence claim work?

Medical negligence is a breach of duty of care by a healthcare professional.

When you consult a healthcare professional or receive treatment, you trust them to give you the best possible medical attention and care that they can provide. All Medical Practitioners are bound by law to attend to a patient's needs to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, patients continue to suffer as a result of medical negligence. With the radical changes and cuts within both the private sector and the NHS, medical negligence claims are increasing.

How can we help?

Often Clinical Negligence cases require careful unpicking to discover precisely where responsibility lies (for example, sepsis may be the result of missed or late diagnosis of a different – initial –problem), we recognise that the journey to justice can be both harrowing and costly.

Offering unstinting support and outstanding service on a No Win No Fee basis, our specialist solicitors will be assertive and robust in their quest for justice for you or your loved one. Equally, you can be confident that we will be sensitive and compassionate in all our dealings with you.


A patient’s quality of life – and of those who may have to care for them – can be altered beyond all recognition as a result of clinical negligence. Our specialists have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge about medical negligence claims. We also know that physical and psychological stress takes its toll.


The prospect of going to a solicitor’s office might be overwhelming. We know this. So, if you would find it less stressful, we will come to you.

Hospital hallway showing nurse pushing a bed-ridden patient towards surgery. - Universa Law- Solicitors & Claims London Legal District

We are passionate about making sure that our clients get the right and just outcome. If what brings you joy has been snuffed out because of negligence, that is a wrong that should be righted - as best as it can be. We see it. And we will go all out to do that.

We regularly see medical and surgical errors, where either inpatient or outpatient treatment is involved, as well as in community care surroundings


We have represented many victims of medical negligence against General Practitioners, NHS Trusts and private Doctors. We have handled numerous complex claims which mistakes have caused death or serious disability. These have resulted in high value, structured compensation settlements This following list is not exhaustive, but here are some areas that we can help you. In some instances your claim may span several organisations. We will help you retrace the negligence journey, giving you the very best chance of a coherent claim and a successful outcome.






Spinal injury including cauda equina

Brachial Plexus




Eye Injury

Haematological Claims

Brachial Plexus



Spina Bifida




Kidney / Renal


Bariatric Surgery

Failure to Transfer to Intensive Care Unit


Brain Injuries



Bowel Perforation

Radiological Inaccuracies

Brachial Plexus

Gastrointestinal including perforation, ischemic bowel, untreated ulcerative colitis,
necrotic bowel.

Spinal injury including cauda equina

Retained Surgical Objects

Birth injuries including cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy and forceps injury

Inaccurately Placed Chest Drains


The GP is often the first point of contact to investigate an illness that a patient may be suffering from. It is important that an accurate diagnosis or a timely referral is made to prevent an infection or to ensure that disease doesn’t spread and is treated appropriately. When this doesn’t happen, the effect on a patient’s life might be catastrophic. We often receive cases where a GP has provided sub-standard care. Here are just some of the areas we investigate:

Failure to Refer

Medication Error

Failure to Diagnose

Missed Diagnosis

Poor Examination


The prescription, use and administration of medication, can be part of everyday life for some people. For others it may be used sporadically to treat a specific ailment. For the vast majority of us, however, we will all receive pharmaceutical treatment at some point in our lives for a range of infections and/or ailments.


In the past the government engaged in a consultation process, whereupon trivial pharmaceutical errors need not be divulged to the patient (‘Rebalancing Medicines Legislation and Pharmacy Regulation’), which one of our lawyers spoke out against, on the basis that the patient has a right to know when a mistake has been made.  We maintain this position, especially when the patient suffers as a result.

Incorrect Drugs

Incorrect Dosage

Addictive Medication


The loss or damage to a person’s vision is devastating. And if the injury is permanent, the patient’s life will never be the same. We are especially skilled in this type of negligence. Here are just some of the areas we investigate:

Globe Rupture



Detached Retina

Bacterial Infection

Anterior Uveitis

Universa Law- Solicitors & Claims London Legal District- Two surgeons exchanging sutre scissors. Both are wearing scrubs and blue surgical gloves.

 I am writing this email to thank you sincerely for all your help .  I know that a lot of people were involved in this case, so I would like to thank everyone  very much for your work and overall, for winning the compensation that will allow me to continue my treatment and provide financial security for my family. I confirm that the funds were transferred to my account . Thank you and I wish you every success in the future.



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